Thursday, June 26, 2008

Man, I may never get caught up.

I just went back to see where I left off. Holy smokes, I last blogged on day 2 in Ghana! I was there for 28 days people! I will hit the high lights and spare you the details. I can assure you, there will be a little bit of whining. I'll try to keep it to a minimum.

So I told you guys about the Embassy and how they wouldn't let me in...these guards and I became quite the friends. When I say friends, I mean I went and was super nice to them and they were moderately nice to me and they STILL wouldn't let me in. I went to the American Embassy no fewer than ten times. They knew me, they knew why I was there. They even knew the expiration date in my passport. I must say, they did their job (security) and they did it very well. Bless you my Ghanaian Security Friends at the Embassy. You guys deserve an award for following all of the rules without fail!

All in all, my American Embassy experiences were pretty good. It was a great place to people watch. One day we waited for about 4 hours. It was the day we were to submit our Visa application. The room is long and skinny and will hold probably 200 people sitting in chairs. This particular day there were likely 280 to 300 people in there. SRO if you know what I mean. P and I finally got chairs as people left. Once we sat, Ghanaian women would come and pick him up and put him on their lap. It didn't seem to bother him. I suppose the chair shouldn't be wasted with only a little boy butt, so they made the best use of it. It's the African way, make the most of what you have!

That same day, I saw a middle aged man waiting. I assumed that we were all there waiting to submit Visa applications, so I tried to imagine each of their stories. Maybe a young business person or a student. Perhaps a wife joining her husband but all on their way to the US. This particular man had obviously never cut his hair. He had it all piled up on top of his head under a knitted cap. The cap was in Ghanaian green, yellow and red and it must have been the size of a basketball. Maybe bigger, honestly. I was afraid that if his head got too far ahead of or behind him, his neck would snap right there. We would all just witness that red green and yellow basketball rolling around on the floor. Scary. I guess after 4 hours I might have been hallucinating a little bit. I wonder if he has made it to the states yet. I hope so....

P was such a trooper. He sat still and never complained through any and all of our endless appointments. We had plenty of them. If it wasn't the Embassy, it was the Medical Lab or the clinic. What good kids they all are.


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