Last week was a total blur. It was Livestock Show week. Move In, Weigh, Sift, Groom, Drench, Bathe, Show....all the fun goat stuff.
I was watching TV on Tuesday before we took the goats to the showbarn. I caught an episode of a show called "Little Miss Perfect". Now if you're not up on reality TV, this show is the real version of the movie "Little Miss Sunshine". It's a real look at this Florida pageant.

I was so entertained by this madness. These moms border on "straight-up" CRAZY! They have fake teeth for their daughters who may have loose or missing teeth. They spray tan their 6 year olds. They have wigs and hair pieces and enough make-up to touch up the Sistine Chapel ceiling. They drive their girls from dance class to modeling agencies to photography studios.
These poor girls have crazy moms. No other way to describe it. But it's entertaining. So I set my DVR to record a few more episodes cause it's so stinkin funny to watch how crazy these moms are......
started yelling at my boys to hurry up and get dressed cause we had to get the goats checked in by 5. Then we had to go pick up some Ensure and Pedialyte to drench the goats with before the judging. Then we had to get to Cavenders to exchange the belt we bought for Philip cause it was too small and I had to get their show clothes to the dry cleaners so they would be crisp and starched.
Then we had to get a haircut for Creyton and get Philip's New Dred packed so he could twist his hair just before show time. And "do you both have white undershirts?" I hate a man in a dress shirt with no undershirt.
The goats will need their hooves polished and Creyton "has that little spot on your goats head healed?" "Should we take a brown sharpie and color it in?" "Ya'll don't forget to look at the judge and keep your goat in your right hand." "Philip are you listening?"
Yes, my 3 readers, I caught the irony in this. My psychoses did not go un-noticed by me. I still won't admit to being a Psycho Goat Show Mom. Psycho Sports Mom, maybe. I think they look awesome, don't you?