Monday, June 30, 2008

Some New Pictures...

I know this is really why you guys come, to see photos.

It's not to read my complaints, my perspective, my stories or my musings.
I like to pretend to be a famous author.
But I know its just the pictures.

Here you go...


At July 2, 2008 at 7:27 AM , Anonymous lori said...

hey friend! we are so happy! Carrie called yesterday while we were sweet of her to call. I just cried and we all prayed thanking God for the answer! I got the email yesterday about the process and all those details. We have such a long road ahead. It said the referral could take up to 6 months. I SURE hope it is not that long. Keep writing on your blog...i want to read it ALL! I will keep you posted!

At July 2, 2008 at 2:47 PM , Anonymous Chalene said...

Hi Tanya!
It's Chalene. I don't have your email so I will give you mine . I would love to hear the story of Rita and Richeal. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. :0)


At July 5, 2008 at 8:35 PM , Anonymous lori said...

call me when you get a chance!

At July 10, 2008 at 8:13 PM , Anonymous sue said...

Hi Tanya,

Thanks for the email about your blog. I was just thinking of you the other day,wondering if Philip was home yet. I see he is !!!

I also see my sweet daughter in your photos. She is doing so well and we love her so much!


At July 10, 2008 at 11:52 PM , Anonymous Canadian Bird said...

Don't kid yourself, Tanya! I LOVE the pics, of course, but I enjoy reading your musings as much as you enjoy writing them. You always make me laugh. So, keep those photos coming, but be sure to continue to put your unique stamp on this blog, making it YOU!
Miss you around work! :)

At July 10, 2008 at 11:53 PM , Anonymous Canadian Bird said...

Oh yeah! Where were those pics of the roos from??? Amazing photo! :)


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