Sunday, November 8, 2009


I got to the hospital at 0600. I beat the registration person there. No biggie, I'm late to work sometimes too. :) She was wearing too much perfume though.

They called me back about 0640. The usual stuff: change into the gown, vital signs and a few more questions. I was mostly compliant. I had called and found out that they didn't catheterize Lap-Band patients so I left my underwear on. I didn't see the need to remove them. Any of you who know me at all, know that I only follow rules that I like. :) Panties on for me.

A 20g to my left hand. I commented and the nurse told me I was lucky she hadn't used an 18g. I decided I better keep my thoughts to myself. ;) I had to give blood for a pregnancy test, I got 5000u of subcu Heparin and an Albuterol nebulizer treatment. The Albuterol gave me a horrible taste in my mouth and made me feel jittery. About 0750 they took me surgical holding.

I had my interview with Anesthesia and the circulating nurse. Now we were just waiting on Dr. G. Once he arrived, I completed all the consents and got my IV Versed. Wheeeee....a ride on the stretcher! I remember wheeling into the OR suite and the Oxygen mask on my face.......fade. to. black.


At November 8, 2009 at 9:10 PM , Blogger lori said...

tanya - I am ALL smiles. #1 -I am glad you are back to blogging - I love to read your stuff. #2 - Glad you decided to tell what you are doing - who cares what people think? #3 - I remember getting my tonsils out when I was 5 and they made me take my panties off - I hated it and still don't understand that one. #4 - I read all blog posts and laughed OUT LOUD several times. #5 - I love your heart and I count it an honor to be your friend.


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