Manna for Ghana!
Caution: Food Porn ahead.
Many of you know that I plan to return to Ghana this year. This has been a project in the making for about 2 years. It's only because of the tireless dedication of my church and lead pastor that it is all coming together.
At any rate, it will be my third trip to Africa in as many years. Needless to say, my savings account is tapped out.
THIS is the trip that will make change. THIS is the trip that will prove to be the hands and feet of Jesus and demonstrate the love of Christians. THIS is the trip I don't want to miss.
A brain-storm discussion with many friends has brought up tons of great fund-raising ideas.
I have started a "Cause" on facebook and am hoping to raise awareness of our project.
I am selling Inspiranza jewelry to add some cash.
I also got a great fund-raising tip from another adoptive mom. Bread Baking! Thanks Carrie!
So, born of that tip is Manna for Ghana! Clever, eh?
I tried my hand at it today and I must say...I rocked that Homemade Bread~
These are the ingredients...

And the bread cooking! I wish you could appreciate the smell from this picture.

The final product~ Isn't it beautiful? I'm super proud of it. The best part of this whole thing is that I can't eat too much of it cause my band won't let me. :) I still can appreciate a beautiful loaf of home-made bread!

I will be taking it to work and accepting donations per loaf. Hopefully it will generate some orders and maybe I will get creative and add a few different flavors!
Peace and Grace!