A Rant...
It's enough to make you crazy!

So I get a few magazines at home. I don't generally buy them, but one of my kiddos was selling them for a school fundraiser.
I think I get 3. This month they are all full of Holiday recipes and decorating ideas. You know they are "healthy living" type magazines cause my life revolves around that...we've had that discussion. Anyway, I'm reading these magazines and find similar stories in each of the 3. By the time I finish the second magazine I am full-blown P.O'd. I can't believe smart, educated women fall for this crap.
One page had a woman talking about her 70 pound weight loss. She credited eating on smaller plates and a low-cal version of pumpkin pie.
Seriously, why didn't I think of that?
The next article was supposed secrets of women who are Naturally thin.
Secret Weapon #1 was "Comfy Shoes".....wait this gets better.
#3 was "Great knife skills" the implication is that she chops and dices to whip up healthy food.
#5 was "a great pair of jeans". Naturally thin women apparently keep themselves in check by using their jeans as a litmus test. If they get tight, they know to cut back.
I hope I'm not the only one to find these suggestions down right RIDICULOUS! As if I am fat because I don't have the right shoes or jeans. This is completely insulting to women who have "real" situations to deal with.
Anyway, the magazines did offer a few reasonable suggestions but there is no way anyone can fix their weight issues by reading this crap.
K, I'm over it. :)