This is a post that has priority for me. I am re-posting it just as Maria wrote it as I can't say it any better!
How AMAZING would it be if God's people rallied around this orphanage (this amazing woman and her staff who have sacrificially given their lives to care for God's precious little ones who have no one to defend them and no one to love them and no one to call their own!!! As you can imagine, the orphanage cannot function without a vehicle! Romana and Beacon House are directly intervening in so many precious orphan's lives - giving them hope - placing them with Christian families - making them no longer orphans! This is the e-mail I just received _________________________________________
Beacon House has the use of two cars. The Land Rover is currently running with a few minor repairs needed. Water and oil leak and need to be checked daily, and hoses replaced when needed. This car is used to bring children for medical appointments, run errands (pay water, electric, etc bills, go to post office), go to Social Welfare and Embassy, sort out birth/death certificates, passports, etc. The Toyota Land Cruiser is required for the longer journeys to pick children from the north (Bolgatanga) and get their paperwork … visiting relatives in hard to reach villages, bringing social welfare officers to their homes to do ‘investigations’.
Our main method of transportation when picking children in their villages and visiting relatives is the Land Cruiser. As of now, we have 7 children without proper documentation so they cannot be placed for adoption. I cannot get their documents without a car because – the alternative - going to Bolgatanga by bus and then relying on someone to take me in the back of their motorbike to visit families – is not a reliable way of transportation!! Also, until we have a working vehicle, we will not be able to take in more children that live far from Accra.
We are not able to drive the Land Cruiser at the moment. It requires the following repair.
It is in need of a complete ½ block ------------------GHC 4,335.80
Below is the breakdown of the costs.
*some of the items on the list may be able to be pulled off the car and reused, but until the work is done, the mechanics will not know the total cost.
Timing belt 45.00
Timing Belt Idler 80.50
1 set of Over Hauling Gasket 156.70
1 Head Gasket 70.00
1 Set Main & Connecting Bearing 75.00
1 Set Complete Clutch Kit 350.00
1 Set Valves Seals 65.001 Oil Pump 180.00
1 Water pump 180.00
1 Set Valves Inn let and Out Let 160.00
Set Tappers 140.00
1 Set Heater Plugs 150.00
10 Lts Rabbia S. Oil (Diesel) 42.00
1 Oil Filter 22.00
1 Fuel Filter 20.00
Pramacy Fuel Filter Ele. 17.00
Air-Cleaner Element 35.00
Petrol & Diesel for Washing 20.00
Labor 220.00
TOTAL GHC 6,364.50
(1 complete Engine ---------------------------GHC 8,275.00)
1 GHC = $ 0.93
Please consider helping pay for the cost of the repairs.
The cost of used cars in Ghana start at $30,000. The cost of the repair is better than looking for a new car.
Helping this orphanage with the car repairs truly is HUGE and LIFE CHANGING!!!
The thought of this orphanage not having a vehicle is overwhelming and heart breaking ... what will Romana do the next time she gets a call that there are orphans in undescribable situations who need her to come and get them ... the answer without a vehicle is unbearable ... we CAN ALL help!!!
Please make checks payable to African Mission Evangelism and put Beacon House car on memo line and send to:
Scott Danner
7343 Ridge Road
Lexington, NC 27295
Peace and Grace,