Off the Subject, but IMPORTANT!
I am a long time Corpus Christi resident. I am also a Pediatric Nurse with 17 years of employment at Driscoll Children’s hospital. Nearly three years ago I was inspired to travel to Ghana, West Africa to help out in a children’s home for orphans.
On the trip I met a child named Philip. After much prayer, and even more paperwork, Philip became my son through International Adoption one year later. Through my own adoption and multiple trips to Ghana, I was able to assist three other families in adoption from Ghana!
In addition, my church (Real Life Fellowship) has adopted my son’s birth village for an upcoming mission trip that will include a week-long medical clinic, in-home water filter systems for up to 100 families and the digging of a water well.
Our goal is to take much needed medicine and supplies to the population, as well as to spend time educating local residents about what they can do to improve living conditions for themselves. We're committed to providing immediate assistance, as well as to providing the people with skills and information that can improve their lives over the long run.
I truly need generous support of people like you to make this mission trip a reality. Participants are required to fund their own travel expenses, and are asked to contribute toward the supplies that we’ll need to provide aid to the people of Northern Ghana.
I need to raise a total of $5500.00 by May 31, 2010 in order to participate in this international fundraising relief trip. It is my dream to take my son back to Ghana with me on this trip so he can see first hand the benefit of charity.
Any amount you are able to contribute will be used to assist in the cost of this mission trip. A $5, $10, $15, or $25 donation will go a long way toward our travel expenses.
There is a secure donation link at the bottom of my blog. I hope you will consider a small donation on behalf of the people of Ghana, West Africa.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and for your commitment to helping make life better for those who are suffering in other parts of the world.
Tanya Lively