I know only a grand total of three people look at this bolg, but I have to share this! Creyton has been going to camp Olympia in Trinity, Texas for 3 years now. Every summer, Term 3, rain or shine, 3 glorious weeks on Lake Livingston. We LOVE this place. It couldn't be more beautiful, more organized, or more fun for the kids!
Philip came home in May, and camp is in July. We figured we would play it by ear. P-man is so cool. He can adapt like a lizard! No hang-ups with that kid. He will eat what ever, sleep where ever, do what ever, you get the picture. So we signed him up! I spoke with the camp director about the cabin assignments and a few other little details and we were off! We drove up to Trinity on Monday. It's a 5 hour drive for us coming from Corpus Christi. Those of you who aren't from Texas are probably thinking that's insane, but seriously, it's not even half the state away.
It's all very ceremonial and traditional. The counselors greet you at the gate whoopin' and hollerin' (more Texas talk for yelling and clapping), one of them actually hops in the car to direct you to your campers cluster. It's a very exciting time, even for me. Philips face just LIT UP when we got to the gate. You couldn't scrub the smile off his face. I was teary eyed just watching his reaction. Creyton was explaining all of the hoopla and telling Philip what would be going on that evening. A rope burn to start out the Olympian Games!
I am so blessed to have not one, but two amazing boys!
I wanted to include the link here for CAMP OLYMPIA. A camp photographer takes hundreds of photos everyday. I look through them all and pick out the ones with Philip or Creyton in them. Even if its a foot, I put it in the folder. It's fun to look through them all though to get a feel for the camp. You can also send notes to the campers via Bunk Notes. It's Free~
Once you are on the main site, click on "Tour our Meida Gallery" link on the left column. The next screen will have a link called Bunk 1 Camp Photos. It's a blue box in the middle column. From there you can enter the username and password. The username is TLively and password is Lively. Check it out! Send 'em a note! I'm sure they'd love to hear from any of you! It's such a big deal to get mail at camp.
When we were walking around camp, Creyton was explaining how great Camp O was to Philip. It went something like this...
Creyton: Philip, camp is totally cool!
Mom: Yes Philip, this place is sooo fun.
Philip: It's like Heaven?
Mom: Yes baby, if heaven was in Texas, I'm sure it would look just like this!
I leave you with a few pics I snapped while dropping them off. Creyton is explaining all the details to Philip...